The Hathaway Hill Equestrian Center
Spring Horse Show
May 14-15, 2022
Hathaway Hill Equestrian Center
1834 Oregonia Road
Lebanon, OH 45036
Please click here to register for your classes
Please click here to register for photos with Victoria Siebe
Please click here to register for Friday Schooling
Hathaway Hill Equestrian Center Spring Horse Show
May 15-16, 2021
Hathaway Hill Equestrian Center
1834 Oregonia Rd.
Lebanon, OH 45036
Classes: $25 each
Horse Stalls: $80
Tack Stalls: $100 (limited)
Hay $12 (Timothy & Orchard)
Office / EMT: $50
Schooling Fee: $35
Trailer In Fee; $35
Shavings: $10
Limited Stalls, must prepay for stalls. Will be charged in full if canceled after May 1, 2022.
Three wash stalls inside the barn and three wash stalls outside.
Three limestone sand lunging arenas (located behind barn)
Weather permitting the competition ring will be outside in our beautiful 125’x215’ arena equipped with Premier Equestrian Fibertec Footing. The warm up ring will be inside in our 85’x175’ arena, also equipped with Fibertec Footing. If it looks to be a bad weather weekend, competition will move inside with schooling breaks in-between divisions.
Concessions will be available during competition upstairs in our climate controlled riders lounge. Clean men's and women's restroom inside our climate controlled tack room.
Weekend trailer parking available. We will have a parking attendant assisting with trailer parking. The Hathaway Hill Equestrian Center Spring Horse Show is operated in accordance with the current rules of the Ohio Hunter/Jumper Association, the Kentucky Hunter/Jumper Association and The Thoroughbred Incentive Program.
To be eligible for Annual High Score Awards, the exhibitor and the owner must be members, and the horse or pony must be registered with the Association.
EMT: April Travis
Course Design: Maureen Fagan
Ingate: Liz Radebaugh
Announcer: TBD
Parking Attendant: Ben Wright
Water/Drag and Jump Crew: RJ and Bob
Judge: Pam Blossom
Show Office/Secretary: Tina V.
Warm up ring steward: TBD
Vet on call: EquiVet, Dr. Derek McFadden DVM
Farrier on call: Scott Bahr, Bahr Farrier Services
Saturday 8:00 a.m.
1. Hunter Breeding (see KHJA Rule Book)
2. Yearling
3. 2 year old
4. 3 year old
5. 4-6 year old
6. Walk Trot Eq. Poles
7. Walk Trot Eq. Poles
8. Walk Trot Eq. Poles
9. Walk Trot Eq. Poles Flat
10. X-Rails Eq. Flat
11. X-Rails Eq. O/F
12. X-Rails Eq. O/F
13. X-Rails Eq. O/F
14. Future Hunter O/F 18"
15. Future Hunter O/F 18"
16. Future Hunter O/F 18"
17. Future Hunter U/S
18. Very Low Hunter U/S
19. 11 & Under Eq. Flat
20. Very Low Hunter O/F 2'
21. Very Low Hunter O/F 2'
22. Very Low Hunter O/F 2'
23. 11 & Under Eq. O/F
24. 11 & Under Eq. O/F
25. Short Stirrup Eq. O/F
26. Short Stirrup Eq. O/F
27. Limit Rider Eq. O/F
28. Limit Rider Eq. O/F
29. Short Stirrup Eq. Flat
30. Limit Rider Eq. Flat
31. Int. Ch./Adult Eq. Flat
33. Ch. Pony Hunter U/S
34. Int. Ch./ Adult Eq. O/F 2'6"
35. Int. Ch./Adult Eq. O/F 2'6"
36. Ch. Pony Hunter O/F 2'6"
37. Ch. Pony Hunter O/F 2'6"
38. Ch. Pony Hunter O/F 2'6"
39a. Baby Green O/F 2'6"
39b. Baby Green O/F 2'6"
39c. Baby Green O/F 2'6"
39d. Baby Green U/S
42. OH/JA 2'6" and 3' Medal
43. Ch./Adult Eq. O/F 3'
44. Ch./Adult Eq. O/F 3'
45. Ch./Adult Eq. Flat
Sunday 8:00 a.m.
46. Beginner Jumper 2'
47. Beginner Jumper 2'
48. Beginner Jumper 2'
49. Int. Ch./Adult Jumper 2'6"
50. Int. Ch./Adult Jumper 2'6"
51. Int. Ch./Adult Jumper 2'6"
52. Novice Ch./Adult Jumper 3'
53. Novice Ch./Adult Jumper 3'
54. Novice Ch./Adult Jumper 3'
55. Schooling/Training Jumper 3'6"
56. Schooling/Training Jumper 3'6"
59. Schooling/Training Jumper 3'6"
60. Low Hunter U/S
61. Ch./Adult Hunter U/S
62. Ch./Adult Hunter O/F 3'
63. Ch./Adult Hunter O/F 3'
64. $1,000 Hunter Derby 2'6, 3' ($50 Entry)
65. Int. Adult Hunter U/S
66. Int. Childrens Hunter U/S
67. Int. Adult Hunter O/F 2'6"
68. Int. Adult Hunter O/F 2'6"
69. Int. Ch. Hunter O/F 2'6"
70. Int. Ch. Hunter O/F 2'6"
71. OH/JA 2' Medal
72. Short Stirrup Hunter U/S
73. Limit Rider Hunter U/S
74. Short Stirrup Hunter O/F
75. Short Stirrup Hunter O/F
76. Limit Rider Hunter O/F
77. Limit Rider Hunter O/F
78. Walk/Trot Poles U/S
79. Walk Trot Hunter Poles
80. Walk Trot Hunter Poles
81. Open X-Rails U/S
82. Open X-Rails O/F
83. Open X-Rails O/F
Horse Show Office
-The Show Office is located in the Rider's Lounge above the tack room
-Scratch/Ads may be done with the ingate master
-All ribbons and trophies (including U/S) may be picked up in the rider's lounge (above the tack room).
Entry Process
-Please enter prior to the show. All entry forms can be completed on www.horseshowing.com. Releases, and class schedules are available at www.hathawayhill.com.
-Back numbers will be delivered to your stalls.
-An open check is required upon arrival. Please have a representative from your group bring ALL checks to the office.
-We strongly recommend that you enter ALL classes you plan to show in for all days. You may do Add/Scratches with the respective ingate master
-Your accuracy on entries is critical to our horse show operations process and will allow us to give you more precise information on the show flow
Schooling & Show Arenas
-There will be a sign-up genius email sent to each trainer to schedule your schooling time on Friday.
-During schooling, no more than 6 horses and 10 people will be permitted in a ring or schooling area at one time.
-Stall reservations should be made with Eric by calling or texting 859.240.6763 or you can email: hathawayhill@yahoo.com
-It’s recommended that all horses are groomed and tacked up in their stalls. Bring your own brushes vs using community brushes
-Please bring your own sanitizer for any surfaces in stabling area you want wiped or sprayed regularly (buckets, door latches)
Thank you to our Sponsors!
Jamie Klements
Dawn Fogel/Marshall & Sterling Equisport Division
(502) 905-4223
Brian Denney (513) 808-2174